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Git and Github Basics

Git is a powerful version control system that is widely used by software developers around the world. It is designed to help teams collaborate on code and track changes over time. One of the most popular platforms for hosting Git repositories is GitHub, which provides an intuitive web interface for managing projects and collaborating with others.

If you are new to Git and GitHub, it can be a bit overwhelming at first. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use Git and GitHub for version control and collaboration.

What is Git?

Git is a distributed version control system used for tracking changes in software development projects. It was created by Linus Torvalds in 2005 and is now widely used by software developers around the world.

Git is used to manage source code, documentation, and other files associated with a project. It enables multiple developers to work on the same codebase simultaneously without conflicts. With Git, each developer has a local copy of the entire codebase, and changes made to the code are tracked and shared with others through a centralized repository.

Git allows developers to create branches of the code, which are separate copies of the codebase that can be modified without affecting the original code. This makes it easier to work on new features or bug fixes without disrupting the main codebase. Once the changes have been tested and reviewed, they can be merged back into the main codebase.

Git provides many features for managing code, such as the ability to revert changes, view differences between versions, and track who made each change. It also allows for easy collaboration between developers, making it an essential tool for modern software development.

What is GitHub?

GitHub is a web-based platform for hosting Git repositories. It provides a graphical user interface for managing projects and collaborating with others. GitHub also provides a range of features for code review, issue tracking, and project management.

GitHub is used by millions of developers around the world and is especially popular among open-source projects. It is free to use for public repositories, and offers paid plans for private repositories.

Getting started with Git and GitHub

To get started with Git and GitHub, you will need to create a GitHub account and install Git on your local machine. Once you have done this, you can create a new repository on GitHub and clone it to your local machine.

To clone a repository, navigate to the repository on GitHub and click the "Clone or download" button. Copy the URL of the repository and then open a terminal window on your local machine.

Basic Git commands

Here are some basic Git commands that you will need to use:

If you want to learn more about Git and Github, Kindly Click the link below:

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This Table Shows Git Commands, Explanation and How Easy or hard they are:

Commands Explanation Easy/Medium/Hard
git init To Initialize Git repository Easy
git add . To Stage all Files Easy
git commit To commit Changes Medium